- Our school offers a 12-week classroom session meeting the requirements for the Georgia Real Estate 75-hr Sales Pre-license course. In addition, we offer our students a chance to take a cram course, which helps to prepare them for the final and state exams. This course is offered at the end of all sales pre-license courses through registration only for an additional cost.
- Next Course: TBD..... There are no classroom courses scheduled at this time. Please check out our online course if you are interested in getting your real estate license quickly. The online course has several price options.
- Location:
- Tuition:
- Late Registration Deadline:
School Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Closed on Fridays)
* Please call office before stopping by because we are in and out during the day. Our application is online and you can register
on our website for your convenience.
Call (912) 692-1085 press ext. 2 for the school. Register online.
Please note: applications will not be accepted without payment! Submit and pay tuition in person or fill out application form and scan, send it to [email protected] or mail it to the office and pay online and click the Add to Cart button below